

Logo Collective (1)


Loaded Bar Collective is a Toronto-based company that’s all about helping strengthen and support the fitness and powerlifting community. We offer media packages for athletes to immortalize their game day performance and the strong attitude that they put on the platform. We also offer minimalist fitness clothing that reflects the strong attitude that we imprint in our media content. Follow us on instagram @loadedbarcollective and tag us on your photos #StrengthIsAnAttitude

Inner Strength logo


Inner Strength Products is pleased to be your Canadian distributor for SBD Apparel, Inzer, Rehband, Sling Shots, & More!

Athletic Alliance is Canadian supplement company that has supported the CPU since creation. Created by athletes for athletes, they testify and certify their products to be free of contaminants or banned substances and as such are an option for athletes competing in drug-tested sports.

As a bonus to give back to OPA members, Athletic Alliance further offers a 20% discount of their products for OPA members within GNC stores in Ontario with the use of the discount code #33666 at checkout.




Your proud Titan Support Systems Canadian dealer at your service since 1999


ARC logo

Active Relief Centre has been supporting powerlifting in Ontario and Canada for years. Aras Kvederas and company are proud to treat athletes and provide their services everywhere from local meets to international level competitions.